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Uncontaminated nature

2 national parks, 4 regional parks and 6 natural reserves

The Marche Region is initially a flat country to then become gently rolling and finally, at the feet of Monte Conero, with cliffs hanging over the sea,winding through orderly vineyards, verdant hills, mountains covered with dense forests and rocky plateaus. The Marche offers long and sandy beaches to lovers of water and sun, as well as romantic rocky coves. Within the inland you will find an extraordinary landscape, made up of green and golden hills, covered by woods and meadows that alternate in sweet harmony to orderly fields of wheat and olive groves. To the west are the Apennines Mountains and to the south the lofty peaks of Mount Sibylline that exceed 2 thousand metres. The latter beat the hearts of botanical enthusiasts and lovers of excursions and hiking


An extraordinary subterranean complex of natural caves exist in the Marche of such significant proportions and striking impact, that this alone is a reason for a trip. We are talking about the Frasassi Caves , near Genga, one of the most extensive and interesting natural monuments in Italy, they consist of a series of underground karst caves, discovered by the CAI speleological group of Ancona.


The Marche is also famous for the extension of the protected areas which cover a surface area of more than 90,000 hectares. The Region, in fact, boasts an exceptional number of national and regional parks and nature reserves established between the 80s and 90s of the 20th century. They have 2 national parks ( Sibylline Mountains and Gran Sasso and Monti della Laga), 4 regional parks (Sasso Simone and Simoncello, Gola della Rossa and di Frasassi, Monte San Bartolo and Monte Conero) and 6 natural reserves (Abbadia di Fiastra, Montagna del Torricchio, Gola del Furlo, Ripa Bianca, Sentina, Monte San Vicino and Monte Canfaito). The protected areas are characterized by good management and excellent maintenance of both the woods and trails both in the accommodation and information facilities. In spring the Parks are covered with the flourishing Apennines plant life, such as the cap lily, edelweiss, orchids, the bearberry and dwarf willow, considered the smallest tree in the world. The forests are populated by different animal species, such as the wolf, wild cat, porcupine, deer, Apennine chamois, golden eagle, the hawk, the eagle owl, peregrine falcon, the woodpecker and in some areas also the bear. The protected areas, however, have very different characteristics and within these areas co-exist floristic micro climates and a very different fauna. The presence of numerous species of birds make this area a favourite amongst lovers of bird watching.


The Marche offers visitors the possibility to enjoy extraordinary natural beauties as well as being the ideal area to practice numerous sports. The Apennines mountains offer winter lovers the perfect slopes for both alpine skiing and cross-country skiing, along routes of various length and difficulty. More rugged and mountainous environments suited to more technical disciplines such as ski-trekking and ski-mountaineering are found in the Monti Sibillini. In other seasons these beautiful mountain resorts change and you can go hiking on foot, go horseback riding or mountain-biking, following the itineraries organised by the various environmental education centres; it is also possible to choose between other fun sports activities, such as free flying, or more adventurous water sports such as rafting, canoeing, kayaking, water climbing and canyoning.


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